Orders are shipped as fast as possible. Please keep in mind that shipment will depend on the status of the products. Some products are located in our warehouses, While some are located in the Supplier warehouses. Below are the estimated shipping times for orders.
- Metro Manila = 3 to 7 Days
- Greater Metro Manila = 5 to 8 Days
- Other Parts Of Luzon = 7 to 10 Days
- Visayas = 8 to 10 Days
- Mindanao = 9 to 13 Days
Important note: "Days" referred to here are meant to be working and operational days. That is to say Monday to Saturdays. Holidays are also considered depending on the province or region.
Delivery time: Please note that the delivery time specified above are counted from the day the item is shipped. Items not readily available in the warehouse might take 2 days to be prepared and shipped out.